King of the Road 2013: Webisode 8 (Birdhouse)

Tym razem chłopaki z Birdhouse zawitali do Las Vegas i musieli w jednym pokoju wszyscy spać :) Na szczescie papa Hawk znalazł im bardzo komfortowy hotel :) Everyone wondered if Tony Hawk would get involved and get dirty to help Birdhouse on KOTR. Hell yes, he does. Also, Clint Walker is the make-out king, and [...]

By | January 15th, 2014|KOTR 2013, NEWS, THRASHER NEWS|0 Comments

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 7 (REAL)

Jednym z zadań jesł  złamanie longboarda :) Real makes a potato gun, Justin Brock grinds up, across and down a rail, a longboard gets focused, and the team gets 21 females into their van.

By | January 14th, 2014|KOTR 2013, NEWS, THRASHER NEWS|0 Comments

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 5 (ENJOI)

Kolejny odcinek KOTR wiec zobaczcie co wyprawiali warjaci z teamu Enjoi.:) ENJOY! A panda gets to second base, the whole team gets the dubstep blues, and Zack Wallin snaps a rare no-comply fakie.

By | January 10th, 2014|KOTR 2013, NEWS|0 Comments

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 4 (Birdhouse)

Tym razem ekipka Birdhouse i ostre kąty są grane!!! Here's Birdhouse killing it. Ben Raybourn is a transition genius, Clint Walker gets 25 make-outs, and you gotta see Mike Davis frontside flip a spine. It's so sick.

By | January 9th, 2014|KOTR 2013, NEWS|0 Comments

King of the Road 2013: Webisode 3 (team REAL)

Kolejny odcinek KOTR i na końcu jedna z najwiekszych poreczy w historii KOTR. Warto!!! Real is in this to win and the guys find a stripper who skates, Brock gets inked, Brockel does a huge bar snap, and Jake Ruiz does one of the gnarliest 50-50s in KOTR history.

By | January 8th, 2014|KOTR 2013, NEWS|0 Comments

King of the Road 2013: Przedstawienie team’ów

Zwycięski team KOTR musi mieć zbalansowane skille jazdy i odpier....lania maniany :). Sprawdzcie kto w tym roku oprócz kozackich tricków będzie się zmagał z całowaniem np. karłów.) Ruszamy w piątek. A winning KOTR team has the perfect balance of skill, drive and dudes willing to suck face with lady hobos. Find out who each team [...]

By | September 3rd, 2013|KOTR 2013, NEWS|0 Comments